Kayla gives birth to Kingsley: A Birth Story

    Kayla trusts birth, her body, and her instincts. This was clear the first time I spoke with her, and remained true throughout her pregnancy and birth.

    As Kingsley grew, and Kayla’s belly with it, my ears heard a strong heart beat and my hands felt a growing healthy baby. All was well, and we were ready for a home birth. Kingsley’s due date, November 11, came and went. Kingsley seemed quite comfortable in Kayla’s womb, but he persistently chose to lay with his back to mom’s back, which can make for a longer or more uncomfortable birth. Kayla’s back and hips noticed the days stretching on, and we were all eager to meet Kingsley! Early Wednesday morning November 16, Matt called saying Kayla woke up with strong cramping and back pain. I went to check on her, and it seemed she was in early labor. However, Kingsley was still posterior. We did some exercises and used the rebozo to help turn him anterior, but while morning dawned, her labor slowed. Baby’s heart sounded great, and the water bag was still intact, so we decided to wait and let birth unfold its own way. We midwives left, and Kayla’s labor stopped.

    Four days later, on November 20, 2016, Kayla called saying she thought her waters broke. She was having some minor cramping but no serious contractions, and she could feel Kingsley moving around. I went over to check on her. Kingsley was no longer posterior, and Kayla was really in labor! I called my apprentice Mischa to join us as Kayla’s labor picked up.

    Kayla labored in her big deep jacuzzi bath tub, surrounded by beautiful birth images and affirmations. She surrendered to and embraced her intensifying contractions. Such power the feminine holds in this ability to surrender to the wild power of creation flowing through! Matt was a wonderful support, right by her side as birth swept through her. Kingsley was moving down smoothly and swiftly. Toward the end Kayla felt discouraged, but was reassured when she realized she could already feel Kingsley’s head! Several minutes later, she told Matt to “get in now!” so he could catch the baby. Kayla started pushing, and we could see Kingsley’s head! With a primal birth cry, Kayla pushed out his 15 inch head. Another cry and his body was born into Matt’s welcoming hands. Dad brought Kingsley immediately to mom’s chest.

    Moments after birth, 2 year old Maebe Jane joined the rest of her family in the bath tub for some precious early moments together. Within an hour of his birth, Kingsley and Maebe Jane held hands while they tandem nursed for the first time. What a beautiful birth and sweet growing family!


                ~ With blessings and love,
                    Your midwives Micaela and Mischa